A measure enhances our awareness, which is the foundation for effective behaviour change
When I was 14 I came into the kitchen to find my mum having a stroke. That image of her in immense pain, crouched down saying ‘get your father’, will stay with me forever.
My Mum was fortunate to survive with no long lasting impact, although it took for her to develop cancer years later before she finally changed her behaviour; quit smoking, improved her diet and started exercising everyday.
Following the stroke my mum discovered that her side of the family have a naturally high cholesterol level. Although this was interesting I separated the information as having any direct impact on me. That was until a friend of mine recently went for a health check and discovered she had high cholesterol.
This was the catalyst for me to get my own health check done. I swim, run and gym every week so felt pretty confident. Until I began to look at the amount of saturated fat I consumed each day! Well over the recommended amount of 20g. Suddenly I was changing my eating habits; significantly less dark chocolate, swapping full fat for low fat yoghurt, smaller amounts of salad dressing, more low fat protein.
Simply booking a date for the health check inspired me to have healthier eating habits. Habits I’d had for years! I was intrigued that this one measure could change my behaviour so significantly.
Simple Stress Test
With this insight in mind I’ve designed a very simple stress test. I’ve built it by simplifying other more established stress tests.
You can take the simple stress test here. Scores on the last page. Takes about 2 minutes.
My hope is that taking the test might encourage you to plan one action to improve how you feel, cope and recover. Motivating you to convert hopeful intention into beneficial action.
Important to hold in mind;
Your score is the least important part, as it’s unlikely to confirm anything you don’t already know
Simply taking the test forces us to acknowledge how we really feel and the circumstances that cause it
This increase in our awareness is the part that has most value
The world we live in today offers more ways to avoid how we really feel than ever before. Our difficult feelings and thoughts build up in the background. The stress, anxiety and loneliness mount up until the psychological weight is overwhelming. Sometimes for weeks, sometimes for years.
We are like cars driving through the traffic lights without looking. We miss the red light, we keep on going. We cant keep doing this and expect everything to be ok. We need to find a way to stop. To give ourselves that permission. To keep ourselves and others safe. To get the help we need and deserve.
Recognition and awareness are the foundation for effective behaviour change. Helping us adjust or change something to improve how we feel. Will this simple stress test be that thing for you? Maybe, maybe not. It's ok either way. Worst case it will take you one step closer to finding something that makes that vital difference for you.
"'You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending'" - CS Lewis
You are a good person, doing your best. That’s the most each of us can do.
P.S - How to Become an Indistractable Reader here
P.P.S - Need a hand? Feel alone? Don’t wait, contact someone today. You deserve support as much as anyone else. You are not alone. Reply to this message if that’s easiest.
Text Shout - 85258 - simple support via text, I used when I wasn't sure who to turn to
Call Samaritans 116 123 - no problem too small, I've used a couple of times, once during a relationship break up, once when one of my family said they were suicidal and I wasn't sure who to ask for help
NHS Every Mind Matters - simple and effective resources you can access immediately here