The Permission To Pause Workshop
Your invite to my new in person workshop + recap on why pausing is a life enhancing habit
Why has the farmer not planted anything in that field?
This question, asked by one of my nephews last week, is a good way to explain why I’ve organised the Permission to Pause workshop.
I would love to see you there. Saturday 28th September 11am - 1pm.
Register here - use the code CALMTIME to save 10% - valid until 10th September.
Farmers leave fields fallow (empty) to help nutrients in the soil recover. The technical term is ‘protect from soil exhaustion’.
If the farmer keeps growing crops in the same field without a break the quality of the crop diminishes, the yield of the crop shrinks.
Which is exactly the same for us. When we keep doing, working, studying, scrolling, researching, buying, moving, then the quality of our output decreases. The quality of our life diminishes.
These experiences become everyday occurrences; Self criticism, fatigue, burnout, distraction, low mood, anxiety, poor sleep, lack of satisfaction, loneliness, regret.
Like a candle that’s reached the end of its life, a once burning flame is now a dim tiny light.
Pausing, a high quality pause, has become a forgotten skill. It remains as essential as ever yet it has become much rarer.
It’s essential for cognitive excellence. It’s vital to manage uncomfortable emotions. It’s pivotal to manage relationships.
The soil needs it, trees need it, leopards need it, dolphins need it, dogs need it, birds need it. Every living entity on earth and sea needs it. Why do we think we are exempt?
The world’s greatest footballers do it before a penalty kick. Nobel prize winning scientists plan for it to aid breakthroughs.
Take a moment to consider where all the constant ‘doing’ has got you.
You work so hard yet how do you feel?
You give so much energy to others, where is the energy for you?
You want to focus but how susceptible to distraction have you become?
Over the last 60 years our species has focused on the external. Homes, food, physical health, technology - incredible advancements have been made.
Yet, we have forgotten to develop our internal skills. We have unintentionally built a more affluent world full of less happy people (the WHO highlights depression as now the No 1 illness in the world).
We need new internal skills to cope and thrive.
Pausing is the most important of these skills as it’s the one that empowers us to bring the others to life. When we pause our default response we find a more effective response. When we improve our responses to the world around us, our life improves.
The Permission to Pause workshop teaches you the surprisingly simple habit that leads to meaningful change. Empowering you to move from reactive behaviour to conscious responses.
Create a simple weekly timetable that protects daily time for you to recharge focus, prevent burnout and feel connected to the people you care about.
The tiny habit that changes everything. Read more and register here.
If you can’t make the workshop here is an alternative you can test today;
Plan a moment into your calendar for a 15 minute walk this week, any time of your choice but it must be booked into the calendar - can you protect the time?
Leave your phone inside, the walk is for you to mentally recharge, which is impossible when we are distracted - can you give yourself attention?
Before you leave for your walk, take 4 slow, deep focused breaths. Nice long, slow exhales. Find a natural rhythm. - Can you use the body to calm the mind?
During your walk, take a moment to think about someone who makes you feel loved and cared for. Picture a moment you spent with them. Feel a sense of connection to them in that moment. - can you return from the emotional hijack of the day to focus on an important relationship?
Notice how you feel afterwards. What’s one benefit you notice?
One of the things I’ve learnt from taking a regular pause is that the answers to our problems are often within us. We just needed a bit of space and time to get perspective. This, over time, helps build internal trust. Instead of doubting ourselves we begin to trust ourselves. This in turn helps us grow confidence and courage. Life is often challenging, it’s much easier to manage when we trust our own judgement and have the courage to take the actions that make a difference.
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” - Simone Weil
You are a good person, doing your best. That’s the most each of us can do.
P.S - What is the habit loop? - here
P.P.S - Need a hand? Feel alone? Don’t wait, contact someone today. You deserve support as much as anyone else. You are not alone. Reply to this message if that’s easiest.
Text Shout - 85258 - simple support via text, I used when I wasn't sure who to turn to
Call Samaritans 116 123 - no problem too small, I've used a couple of times, once during a relationship break up, once when one of my family said they were suicidal and I wasn't sure who to ask for help
NHS Every Mind Matters - simple and effective resources you can access immediately here